
Thursday, February 16, 2006

Welcome to My Insanity

Not that I think my life is worthy enough for the rest of the world to read about....But I do realize that I am not your normal,Midwestern 35 year old woman. I live in a fairly good size city pretty close to smack dab in the middle of the U.S. I am married to a "not your normal Midwestern man" as well. When I say that, I mean a man who doesn't like sports, fix cars or like to do the manly duties of fixing things around the house. He is a musician and he runs a web business himself. He has a day job but it really is not what feeds his soul. We have been married for almost nine years. We have a beautiful, crazy four year old son that keeps us on our toes, and at times, we believe that he is truly the spawn of Satan. During the week, I am a mild mannered Social Worker, trying to keep the children of the world safe. I am sure that I will expound upon the stupidity of the human race on a fairly regular basis from here on out. I am frequently amused by it.
I don't want to completely blow my wad in my first the next episode will include the stories of my friends--especially S and our crazy escapades.


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