
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Craziness abounds....

Wow, another week of insanity.

My husband spent the first two days of this week in bed. Like I did last week. I felt bad giving him this one. It was killer.

It was an odd day...not a bad odd day, just odd...

Weird factoid #1. So today, I go out and meet with a family. What I do for a living is try to help families "empower" themselves to develop plans to achieve whatever goal it is that they want to achieve--usually it is to get their children back in their home or to get the "Welfare" out of their lives. I live in a town now that is about half an hour away from where I went to college. I wondered how long it would take for me to encounter someone who I had crossed paths with in college. So I go meet with this family and I am looking at the dad, thinking "man, he looks familiar"--I hope I don't know him TOO WELL, if you catch my drift. Big fear of mine....I sowed my wild oats...luckily, I had only hung out in a lot of the same places as this guy when I was in college...the local smoke shop. He happens to be friends with one of my husbands' best friends. I just thank the gods that I didnt know him that well...It got me humming, "Its a small world after all...".

Weird factoid #2,. A few months ago, I found an old friend of mine, M who also happened to be a boyfriend of about fifteen years ago for a brief stint. During our relationship, I got to be friends with an old girlfriend of his, L. The story is a bit more complex than this but I shall leave it at that. M had told me that she was also working for the state, as I do. I look her up on our address book at work thinking "she probably isn't listed here, she must be in some other branch". There she was listed right on the address book...Then I think, "god, I wonder if she would really answer if I called"...It took me a few minutes to get the gumption up--I mean what do you say, "Hey, I havent talked to you in about ten years, remember me??" Would she even want to talk to me??So I got over that, picked up the phone and called her...and about shit myself because she answered the phone...and she seemed honestly happy to hear from me. She gave me her email. I am hoping that she will become a contributor to and it will be interesting to catch up with her again.

These are the kind of things that happen that make you think a bit. I felt like I was needing some distraction with the shitty weather and the illness lately. Lets see what crazy shit abounds tomorrow!!


At 8:47 PM, Blogger Depressionista said...

Did you realize you started both of your last two posts with the same exact sentence??? That's funny--lots of insanity in your life these days!

So you didn't even tell me about Weird Factoid #2. Probably because you sense a little bit of judgment coming down from me--but that's not it, I promise! I admit I am interested to see where the re-connecting with L and M go, and that I might be a little apprehensive that it could fuck things up in your life...but then that isn't showing a whole lot of confidence in YOU so I just need to get over it and I hope you don't feel that you can't talk to me about it because you can. How weird that she was on the registry thing...I look forward to talking to you about it more.


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