
Monday, March 13, 2006

1am...emergency trip to Walgreens...

Not a good way to start a Monday morning. 4 year old son comes up stairs screaming, "my forehead hurts". I scour the house for Children's the hell do you run out of Children's Tylenol without I trudge off to Walgreens...Like Tingle said in her Blog, I love Walgreens! I love the fact that they are open 24 hours and have every kind of pediatric pain killers known to man. I bought Tylenol, Motrin and some other cold thing when I was there just to make sure I had all of my bases covered. So then I came home, gave him some Tylenol and he fell a sleep on the sofa watching "The Iron Giant"....thank gods for that movie. At first I was laying in bed with him, he was miserable, thrashing around. Then I decided "why lay here and be miserable". We might as well get up and watch a movie, one that usually puts him to sleep. It worked like a charm. He only woke up screaming on one more occasion! Then I just rocked him on my lap and he fell asleep on me till 6am...that was kinda nice. I hadn't had him sleep on me for a long time.

He seeme to be ok this I drug him off to preschool. Part of me was like "should I take him? What if he is really sick yet?" But he made it through the day and was in fairly good spirits when he came home. Just a bit tired.

It is amazing how an unhappy/sick child can really dominate your life at times.


At 7:21 AM, Blogger Depressionista said...

This post is an excellent example of you using your mothering intuition to handle a situation, by busting out "The Iron Giant" instead of laying in bed fighting with him to sleep. Good job!

It's nice to know that maybe when Bubba is four years old I will still get to rock him to sleep now and then. I'm glad you were able to see the good part of a pretty crappy situation.

You are doing great, holding the family together during the cold/flu from hell. Just think of how strong you are, you Rock of Gibraltar you, you strong woman, taking care of your man and your cub and still bringing home the bacon....I believe you shall be rewarded for the past two/three/whatever weeks that you've been holding down the fort.

You are woman....

At 8:38 AM, Blogger Tingle said...

Hooray for The Wal! :)

I love that feeling of having a baby or kid sleep on you - it's so comforting, maybe because we did it when we were kids, too.

Always follow those instincts! :)


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