
Friday, February 23, 2007

A Clogged Root Chakra..For the Love of the Gods

I intended to take yesterday off for the purposes of a "mental health day", to regroup after working a couple of full work weeks. My morning did not start the way that I wanted it to. It started at about 3am when my son woke up and felt "kind of warm". I gave him some Ibuprofen and he went back to sleep. I hate taking temps in the middle of the night because, first of all, my son gets really warm when he sleeps and I just hate to bother him with that then. So when he woke up at 7am, he wasn't hot any more. I was really, really hoping he was fine. I took him to preschool, with the thought in the back of my mind that he really had a fever and I just masked it with Ibuprofen. I told staff at preschool to keep an eye on him and to call my husband in the morning if there were any problems....because I had a massage scheduled about 30minutes away. I didn't mention that part but that was my reasoning. I hate mother guilt. Any other morning, if I would have dropped him off and just went to work, it wouldn't have been that big of a deal.

The massage was wonderful. The person I see for massages is great because she is very "wholistic". She always tells me about these great "visions" she has while giving me a massage. Lately, I have been having a lot of hip and lower back pain. She told me that she felt like my "power was bunched up in my first chakra"--which explains part of the hip pain. She gave me some great ideas for stretching my hamstrings and legs so that I can even out my pelvis. I have been rolling it under when I stand, causing me more pain. When I left, I felt like I had had a lot of "negative energy" squeezed out of me!

Then Depressionista went out for lunch, which was awesome and probably good because we more than likely will not be able to get together in person due to the crazy weather, sick children and being sick ourselves. Both of our weeks were kind of nuts so we could bitch to each other about the whole thing!

After lunch, I drive home and decide to take a nap. I get home around 2pm. At about 3pm, I hear, "mom are you up there" coming from downstairs. At which point, I am catapulted out of my relaxing afternoon. Apparently, preschool had called my husband and had him pick up our son because he had spiked a fever again. My kid really was sick. And I dumped him off that morning to go selfishly have a massage--shit.

Today, my husband and I split the day to take care of our kid. I went to work in the morning. I had a family meeting to do for a family that I had cancelled on previously because I had been sick. I came home and my husband went to work. I took our son to the doctor. The doctor took one look at his throat and diagnosed him with good ol' Strep Throat! My work spouse's kid had that earlier in the week. I got antibiotics for him and a prescription for myself as I am starting to feel shitty too--bit of a sore throat, headache, achey...and with the winter storm of 2007 coming at us I didn't want to have to worry about getting it tomorrow.

The nice thing is we have a whole weekend ahead of us with nothing planned and possibly being stuck at home. Its like a blank slate. I think I am going to be doing some more "healthy living" planning. Earlier this week, when it was much warmer out I started walking. My work spouse also gave me this great article on "indoor walking". Its designed for the individuals that don't feel comfortable going to the gym. It includes things like walking in place, kicks, etc. And you only need to do it for 30 minutes a day that can be broke up for 10 minutes at a time. I have been trying to take advantage of this when I am at work. My goal, at this point, is to become more physically active. I have signed up for a belly dancing class that starts in early April and I want to participate in a 5K walk/run to benefit crime survivors in middle April. I am hoping that these activities will keep me motivated.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Valentine's Day Card that I went with:

Outside--"So I guess you wont be getting that Valentine's Day blow job"
Inside--"But if you are really nice, I might let you fuck me"

I almost went with "I might let you fuck me up the ass". But I was afraid he might really take me up on the offer and I was really not in the mood. I told him that--he thought that was funny.

My week was filled with work. Many funny social worker stories. I had a coworker who went out to a house that was highly infested with cockroaches. A male coworker that normally is pretty tough. He went as far as to buy cockroach spray and spray the toxic shit all over his clothes. He wasn't expecting to find the bugs since it was a domestic violence incident. The little kid in the home, probably around three years old, comes up to my coworker and says "Daddy's hiding in the closet". The police were with my coworker so the guy got arrested and on his way out of the house in hand cuffs, the only thing he says is "we were trying to get rid of the cockroaches".

My work spouses first case of the day on Valentine's Day was a domestic violence case as well. Oh, the irony.

When does the food issue get easier with kids anyway?!?!? I made a decent meal of chili for dinner. I served it to my five year old. I was so proud--I managed to make a good pot of chili out of stuff we happened to have in the cupboard. He absolutely refused to eat it. He would take a bite and spit it out. I did what I thought I would never do. I made him sit there until he ate some. He cried, he said he had a headache, he said he hated it. Finally, about 25 minutes later, he agreed to eat two fucking beans. For the LOVE OF GOD!! I think my husband and myself were two seconds away from committing child abuse and having one of my coworkers at my door. My husband even came down and did an internet search to find out the best way to handle this situation--kids not wanting to eat on the internet. He found very little info on this--pretty much that it is incredibly frustrating and no one knows how to handle it. My big fear is that I am going to cause my child to have eating issues...I don't want him to get fat...which I know is tied into my own issues...but I really don't want to give into him either....any ideas out there?

Monday, February 12, 2007

Chocolate Martinis and Tootsie Pops

I am sitting down to blog after consuming a chocolate martini sans vodka. Thanks for the drink idea, Depressionista--even though I couldn't bring myself to add vodka. It was so yummy without it and I think it had plenty of alcohol in it anyway. After the second sip I was already calling my husband "Baby"--the first indication that my inhibitions are leaving. My husband and I just finished helping our preschooler get his Valentines together for Valentine's Day on Wednesday. Valentines Day is one of the most commercial holidays ever. I stopped at the store and picked up some Tootsie Pops to put in the Valentine's Day. Of course, they make special cute Tootsie Pops in pink wrappers with hearts all over them. We stuck those in his Power Ranger's Valentines. I will never understand my kid's fasciniation with Power Rangers. He always wants Power Rangers stuff and we never watch it at home.

I was thinking about buying my husband a Valentines Day card when I was picking up the Tootsie Pops. They had some funny ones but I am always shocked at how much they want to charge for greeting cards....when I could make something up myself. I don't really feel like spending $5-6 on a card when I could get half a meal for him out somewhere for that. Plus, he is a man--initially, he appreciates getting the card but then several months later, I see it sitting on his table under a pile of bills....

I think I am going to make my own card this year. And say whatever crass, perverted thing I want in it. I am sure that you ladies out there would have some good ideas if you want to throw them at me. I am getting this thought out there a bit late but better late than never.

You know the very unfortunate thing but really not that surprising ( since I get them often) is that I got a coldsore two days before Valentine's Day. I guess my husband won't get that blow job for Valentine's Day. I think we can work around it though!!

My first Valentines Day card idea for my husband:

Lucky for you Aunt Flow just left (outside)...Because a coldsore just arrived! Happy Valentines Day (inside)

Wow--that says it all for me this week so far!!

Happy V Day to you all!!